Be Free Men's Circle

Join Eric Bellis on Sunday Dec. 10 4-5:30pm. This Men’s circle is intended to be a place for men to come together to engage in important and difficult conversations. To share authentically, be heard and to feel supported by their brothers in community. This conversational workshop will be guided by group participation in brave conversation and active listening. We will be exploring difficult topics related to the male experience with reverence and gratitude.
Anyone who self-identifies as male is welcome.
Self Investment $10
Eric comes to this space with experience in group facilitation centered around personal and spiritual development. As a member of the Be Free community, Eric desired a space for men in this community to come together and share our individual experiences to further the growth of our collective healing and as individuals.
Date Sunday December 10, 2023
Time 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Location Be Free Healing Center
Staff Eric Bellis

This class has already passed, but there are plenty more going on now. Please check a current class for more info.

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