Visranti: Sound Healing and Cacao

Join Jayu and KC Trujillo Saturday Dec. 9th from 6-9pm for this unique Cacao and Sound Healing Journey. The Sanskrit word 'Visranti' carries a beautiful meaning of repose. It signifies the act of finding rest in the serene foundation of our being, where one can experience true connection and a constant flow of presence.
This offering combines the powerful heart-opening properties of cacao with the total immersion of your vessel in an ocean of sound waves emanating from gongs, flutes, crystal and metal singing bowls, drums and more. We will begin with a ceremony to honor and receive the magic of cacao. We will serve pure Columbian Cacao, which is a great source of antioxidants, iron, magnesium, and calcium. Cacao is a mood elevator, and potent heart medicine. It will prepare our bodies, minds & spirits for a sonic journey that will bathe your entire being in healing vibrations. After our Cacao ceremony, we set ourselves up in a supported, reclined, or traditional Savasana (corpse pose), to experience the sound healing.
Self-investment cost is $40.
Date Saturday December 9, 2023
Time 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location Be Free Healing Center
Staff KC Trujillo
Assistant Staff      Jayu Kitchin

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