Be Free Breathwork Evening Retreat

Is it time for a re-set? Join Jaime Will and Chrissa Percival from 6-9pm for an evening of commUnity, and a deep dive inside to clear away resistance, cultivate creativity, and stay connected to center.
We all have stories and experiences that hold us back in life. We understand that stress and trauma play a large role in how we show up in the world. Be Free Breathwork is our opportunity to go inside and meet the parts of ourselves that didn’t get what they needed, and re-establish connection. Letting go of the old requires us to be curious about what’s present. Be Free Breathwork gives us the opportunity to feel that which we haven’t allowed ourselves to feel, and complete old, stuck responses in the nervous system that have kept us replaying the same patterns over and over.
How would it be to receive a space that encouraged you to gently explore your connection to your body, your emotions, your story, and your triggers, and your trauma while not overwhelming you? What would it be like to feel empowered in your healing, and to reconnect to feeling safe and connected within yourself?
The two main tools of this practice are the breath and the blindfold. The mighty, expansive breath is our greatest tool of transformation. When we allow ourselves to move fully into the breath, it shifts our conscious thought from the Ego mind (thinker/planner/doer) , to a much deeper, creative soul led consciousness experience, and process of being in touch with the wisdom of our body, and soul.. Using the breath we enter holotropic states of consciousness. In our three hours together we will have an opening circle, a 1hr breathwork experience, quiet journaling/art integration time, and a brief closing circle.
Please bring the following: a sleeping bag or comforter, a pillow, an eye mask (if you have one), a journal, and a snack.
Self Investment: $40
Date Saturday May 11, 2024
Time 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location Be Free Healing Center
Staff Jaime Will
Assistant Staff      Chrissa Percival
13 Spaces Remaining

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