Winter Solstice: Aquarian Sadhana - ONLINE ZOOM

Join Kari Grossman, Thurs Dec. 21 5:30am -8am, ONLINE via ZOOM in chanting up the sun on the morning of the Winter Solstice to welcome back the light and expand our consciousness into awareness of our true universal nature. This traditional Kundalini spiritual practice takes place during Amrit Vela (the time before sunrise) on the Winter Solstice all around the world. Joining the universal mind wave, we atune ourselves to the great shift into the Aquarian Age as the old structures of the Piscean Era are dismantling all around us. The practice begins with the recitation of Japji, a spiritual poem from Sikh scripture that carries the frequency of enlightenment (30 min), followed by a Kundalini Yoga Kriya set (30 min), followed by the recitation of 7 the Aquarian mantras (1.5 hours). Come prepared for a quiet, focused practice with something warm to cover your head and shoulders. Blankets and mats available in studio.
Potluck breakfast to follow 8:00-8:30am. Bring something easy to prepare the day before and grab from the frig on the way out the door in the wee hours. Tea will be provided by Happy Lucky’s Teahouse.
For more details read - What Is Aquarian Sadhana? here:
Cost: Free - Donations gratefully accepted to support the studio space
Sadhana Leader: Kari Grady Grossman
Tea provided by: Happy Lucky’s Teahouse
Date Thursday December 21, 2023
Time 5:30 AM - 8:00 AM
Location Virtual
Staff Kari Grossman

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